Saturday, January 2, 2010


I went to Mass today and found out that it was "Epiphany Sunday"...and it was.

Today I

... realized that in the past 3 days I had gotten
much better at avoiding it.

... was educated on the fact that people complain
about petrol costing $1+
per liter yet consider
paying $2.50 for a 600ml bottle of water the norm.

... saw the other side of the story

... saw a glimpse of a friendship that I'd gotten so close to losing, just
because I refused to take
off my rose tinted glasses

... rediscovered the value of a silent room at dusk.


  1. my Epiphany...
    just two weeks and youll be at MA house

  2. sounds like it was a productive day.

  3. "... was educated on the fact that people complain
    about petrol costing $1+ per liter yet consider
    paying $2.50 for a 600ml bottle of water the norm."

    That blew my mind :O
