Sunday, March 7, 2010

Gone to the Beach

Two week-ends ago I was fortunate enough to be able to wind down (properly) before the chaos of university started up again. The family (the dog included)and I took a trip down the coast. The perfect opportunity to get in some beach time and snap a few shots with my new camera. =]

Trix was excited...

Can you tell that I liked the tree?

Slept in here....

Swam here...

Lost track of time here...

Filipino breakfast *note the rice cooker.

Found a lottery ticket (might just use those numbers one day)

All in all, a lazy weekend. Perfect.

Listening to: My electric fan whirring away.
Needing to: Get stuck into university work
Loving: My new boots. and dresses. and shirt. and iced tea
Feeling: Good. and amused. and inspired. and confused. and in awe.


  1. NGAWWWW TRIXIEEEEE miss her. almost as much as i miss youuu!

    great photos, taken on your new-ish DSLR?

  2. they were indeed taken with the DSLR. Wish I'd taken more but I didn't really want to take it to the beach and just leave it on the sand while we were in the water = <

    trix and i miss you tooo!
